Oklahoma City Crime Map And Info
We all think we live in a safe and secure area, but how does your community compare with the surrounding municipality? Check out this Oklahoma City crime map and find out where there’s an accumulation of numbers of crime. Then take a quick look at some methods to make your home and neighborhood more safe and sound.
Oklahoma City Crime Map
This Oklahoma City Crime Map shows a heat map of overall crime in the city. Deeper red sections signify a larger concentration of incidences as compared to the greater area. To zoom out, use the + icon. Zoom in to an individual street by using the -.
5 Ways You Can Help Keep Your Street Safe
While no place is free from misdeeds, there's a few easy things you might do regarding neighborhood safety. Check out these few easy tips so you can keep your block safe, secure, and inviting.
Know your community: The more you talk to different community members, the simpler it will be to protect one another. Many communities in Oklahoma City have also started a formal neighborhood watch.
Invest in a home security system: If a burglar triggers a high-decibel alarm, it may stop them from lurking around that same community for a while. Your security cameras could also capture people cutting through your front yard when escaping from your neighbor's house.
Keep expensive items out of sight in your car: Forgetting your wallet, laptop, or smartphone in the car can invite a vehicular break-in. Try to remember to carry in expensive items or hide them in a safe place like in a glove compartment or trunk.
Hang outside motion lights: Wannabe intruders hate light. By hanging sensored lighting over a deck or a patio entryway, you could fend off a break-in before it begins.
Let people know when you’re out of town: Let a friend know when you’re going on vacation, and leave them a spare key or door lock code in case of emergency. Although, keep your vacation plans off Facebook if at all possible.
Let Secure24 Alarm Systems Help Your House Stay Safe
When you're looking for a home security system to help keep your home safe from break-ins, fire, or other predicaments, call Secure24 Alarm Systems. We'll walk through your security and automation options and will help you pick the perfect system for your home’s needs. Just phone (405) 347-5898 or complete the form below.